Summoner Build

Raid/PvE Communication Overflow : Summoner Build Guide

By: brother chris | Updated: March 8th, 2023

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Mage Summoner
Summoner Build
Pve Raid


Required Skill Points: 376
Normal Ancient Spear Level 12
Level 12
5 Quick Prep
5 Explosive Spear
5 Ancient Strength
Gems & Rune
Normal Earth Collapse Level 10
Level 10
5 Flame Collapse
5 Shake
5 Earth Manipulator
Gems & Rune
Normal Elcid Level 12
Level 12
5 Magick Amplification
5 Deadly Poison Seed
5 Elite Summoning
Gems & Rune
Normal Maririn Level 12
Level 12
5 Atk. Power Enhancement
5 Charge Command
5 Small Talk
Gems & Rune
Normal Pauru Level 12
Level 12
5 Weak Point Detection
5 Atk. Power Enhancement
5 Blue Flame Pauru
Quick Recharge
Gems & Rune
Normal Shurdi Level 10
Level 10
5 Shining Growth
Smart Shurdi
5 Thrilling Light
Gems & Rune
Normal Sticky Moss Swamp Level 7
Level 7
5 Ready Attack
Corrosion Diffusion
Gems & Rune
Normal Water Elemental Level 10
Level 10
MP Recovery
Weak Point Detection
5 Wisdom of the Elemental
Gems & Rune




Engraving Points: 75
15 Points Level 3 Grudge
15 Points Level 3 Keen Blunt Weapon
15 Points Level 3 Raid Captain
15 Points Level 3 Adrenaline
15 Points Level 3 Communication Overflow

Card Sets

Azena and Inanna
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation Collect 6 Cards (Awakening 18): Holy Damage +7.00%

Build Details & Information

Hello! I am Brother Chris and I have been playing Lost Ark since its western release in February 2022. This is meant to be an introductory guide to quickly get you up to speed for a raid/pve Communication Overflow Summoner.

Class Introduction

Communication Overflow Summoner is one of the mage classes in Lost Ark - it's niche identity skill is being able to summon a multitude of various ancient spirits to help you in combat. Summoner, like the name implies can also, well, summon minions/pets. Communication Overflow is the engraving focused around summoning pets.

  • Strong allaround class
  • Straightforward to play
  • Many animation locks
  • High investment class


Communication Overflow Summoner has a pretty basic combo you strive for - the basics boiling down to making sure you drop your big damage inside your damage buff windows via Sticky Moss Swamp or Elcid. Your main damage dealing ability that isn't one of your summons is going to be Ancient Spear so it is imperative to try and land as many of these as possible. Your summons Kelsion Pauru and Maririn also have active abilities that you should use during your Sticky Moss Swamp or Elcid damage buff windows.

An optimal start of fight rotation would look something like this.

  1. Pauru Shurdi Maririn - summon before fight
  2. Sticky Moss Swamp
  3. Water Elemental
  4. Elcid
  5. Ancient Spear - Use pet skills during channel
  6. Kelsion

Another thing to note is that the damage buff from Sticky Moss Swamp and Elcid do not stack so make sure to try your best to not overlap them. You will pretty much always use Akir as your identity summon as it does the most damage, as well. After the opener your basic goal for your rotation is something like this.

  1. Akir
  2. Sticky Moss Swamp
  3. Water Elemental
  4. Elcid
  5. Ancient Spear
  6. Earth Collapse


The generally agreed on meta setup for Communication Overflow Summoner is the one listed here.

Engraving priority would be something like Communication Overflow > Grudge > Adrenaline > Keen Blunt Weapon > Raid Captain

You can swap Raid Captain for Cursed Doll though generally it isnt recommended as it's efficiency is cut by Adrenaline


For Communication Overflow Summoner we want at least 1200 Swiftness for Raid Captain and as much crit as we can get after that.

Crit: 800
Swiftness: 1200

this is with relic accessories and a bracelet and all potions unlocked from horizontal content.

Relic Set

Communication Overflow Summoner has a few different options but for this guide's build we are going with the Salvation set. There are builds for both Charming and Hallucination variants as well.


Your damage buffing tripods as always are very important Ready Attack and Magick Amplification

Aside from that focus on your main damage tripods for your Ancient Spear and your summons.


Your only flex skill is Earth Collapse

Popular choices for replacements are Steed Charge and/or Winged Spirit


Earth Collapse will be our flexible rune slot, feel free to throw whatever you need in there.

Card Sets

Communication Overflow Summoner can get some decent benefit from Lostwind Cliff set until you can ultimately get Light of Salvation 18 awakening as it provides the most damage.


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